What Is Borosilicate Glass & What Are Its Benefits?

Pipes, bongs, and dab rigs are not just vehicles to smoke weed from. To cannabis lovers, they are cherished pieces of artwork that require careful handling and delicate and thorough cleansing. Some pieces of glassware end up developing a personified nickname; the love between a stoner and their pipes is real.
Chances are, though, even if you're a veteran smoker, you don't know much about the glass that your pieces are made from. At StayLit Design, all of our custom glass pipes, bongs, and dab rigs are made from borosilicate glass, which is very different from the everyday glass you may find around your home.
So, what is borosilicate glass? The science behind borosilicate glass smoking pipes is pretty cool, and there are solid reasons we use this to create our one-of-a-kind pieces. Let’s discuss the benefits of borosilicate glass, so you can learn more about your dearly beloved smoking devices.
What Is Borosilicate Glass?
The definition of borosilicate glass is a bit technical, so hang with us. It was invented in the 1880s by a German glassmaker, and its primary ingredients are silica and boron trioxide. (Regular glass is made with soda lime instead). This new glass was revolutionary because it is resistant to high heat, meaning it won't crack or break. It quickly became the staple for making laboratory tools, like beakers and graduated cylinders.
What else is borosilicate glass used for? It was also commonly used to create kitchen and cookware in the early 1900s, because it's stronger than regular glass. These days, cookware is usually made from stainless steel, but borosilicate glass continues to be a popular material amongst the scientific community. You can also find it in lightbulbs and electronics, and obviously in our borosilicate glass smoking pipes. It's instrumental!
What is the Difference Between Borosilicate Glass & Normal Glass?
Not all glass is created equally. Just look at borosilicate glass and normal glass, a.k.a. soda lime glass. They have a very different chemical composition: silicon dioxide and calcium oxide (soda lime glass) vs. a composition of both silicon dioxide and boron trioxide (borosilicate glass). It’s because of that chemical composition that they vary so much.
Borosilicate glass’ boron elements give it higher durability, greater versatility, and more thermal resistance than your average glass. This makes borosilicate glass among the safest and most durable bongs, dab rigs, and pipes out there, because they’re much less likely to crack under extreme temperatures.
The Benefits of Borosilicate Glass for Pipes
High Temperatures
What is it that makes borosilicate glass so special? This material can withstand extremely high temperatures, making it an ideal choice for igniting buds. Regular glass will eventually melt when held under a flame or torch, while borosilicate glass won't break, melt, or crack past 500 degrees Fahrenheit. It's no surprise why borosilicate glass is so popular with our custom dab rigs and in the pipe and bong industry in general!
Because it doesn't expand as regular glass does, this material can also withstand drastic temperature changes and multiple temperatures at the same time. You can have ice water on the bottom while hot buds are heated at the top, creating perfect, smooth hits. This also means you can safely pour boiling water into it for cleaning!
There are several additional benefits besides only handling high heat and varying temperatures, though.
What is the biggest pro for borosilicate glass? We’d have to say its durability! We've all dropped a glass cup, or something more valuable, at some point in our lives. There's a reason the saying 'shattered like glass' is so common. Glass is fragile and breaks easily, as you know. One of the best benefits of borosilicate glass smoking pipes is that they are much more durable than regular glass. This is not to say that they are unbreakable. If you drop your bong or pipe, there is still a chance they will crack or shatter. We are simply pointing out that borosilicate glass pipes and bongs are much tougher compared to regular glass.
Clarity & Easy to Clean
What is another advantage of borosilicate glass? Compared to plastics or other materials, it is incredibly clear and smooth. Of course, after you use your borosilicate glass pipe many times, the smoke will cast a dark film over everything, reminding you that it's time to clean.
But in general, this material has been celebrated for being clear and difficult to scratch or scar. Not every kind of glass pipe is easy to clean, but this kind of glass is! The surface is anti-stick and nonporous, making it easy to scrub away any dirt or stains.
That's a big plus when you consider how much gunk can build up from multiple smoking sessions.
Borosilicate Glass: Pros & Cons
Compared to other materials for smoking pipes, borosilicate glass is one of the best and most classic materials. Ceramic and silicone are two additional competing pipe and bong materials on the market. Ceramic is great for creating unique shapes and sizes, but it does not have the same durability as borosilicate. Ceramic pieces will shatter if you drop them.
So, what material is a solid borosilicate glass rival? Silicone bongs and pipes are extremely popular options. A huge selling point for silicone is that it is essentially unbreakable. They can be kicked around, dropped, and are better suited for portability than borosilicate glass. They also tend to be cheaper than the other two mentioned. However, they are not as elegant as a borosilicate glass pipe.
Shop For Borosilicate Glass Pipes Now
Borosilicate glass is the best material to use for our artistic bongs, dab rigs, and pipes! We have a wide selection for you to choose from at StayLit Design, and we are passionate about creating glassware for our customers that is high-quality and one-of-a-kind. Our unique bongs for sale are BPA-free, and you can find them in any size, shape, or shade.
There are tons of benefits of borosilicate glass: they can handle extremely high heat, which makes them durable compared to other glass materials. They are difficult to scratch up and very easy to clean away stains and gunk. Now that you’re more familiar with what borosilicate glass is, consider treating yourself to a borosilicate glass smoking pipe. You'll cherish it for years to come!
If you have a design in mind that you haven't seen yet, contact our team and let us know about it! We would be happy to bring your vision to life!