How to Clean a Glass Pipe, Dab Rig, or Bong
If you’re a frequent cannabis smoker, keeping your glassware clean between uses is crucial to maintaining functionality. Bongs, dab rigs, and hand pipes can all develop build-up over time, called resin, preventing proper airflow if left uncleaned for too long.
Additionally, the build-up of residue can lead to the growth of bacteria and other gross things. Thankfully, glass is one of the easiest materials to clean as long as you handle your smoking device with care.
We’ll discuss how to clean a glass pipe or bong so you can take the best possible care of your smoking accessories.
The Best Way to Clean a Bong, Pipe, or Dab Rig
You can use the same basic materials to thoroughly clean things out for all three types of glassware. There are a variety of different glass cleaning solutions on the market these days that claim to work specifically on cannabis devices, but they can be overpriced and may not work as well.
Why spend extra money when you can clean your glassware with cheaper, household items that are proven to work? Below are the supplies you will need:
- Sink with running water
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Epsom Salt
- Q-Tips or Pipe Cleaners
- Cotton balls
- Paper Towels
Learning how to clean a dab rig is very similar to cleaning a bong. But, the steps in learning how to clean a glass pipe differ slightly, so we will address those differences when we get to them. Below are the steps to get started.
Empty Things Out
The first step is prep. You will need to empty the dirty water from your bong or dab rig, as well as any residue from the cannabis buds or concentrates. Wash away any big chunks you see, but be careful to hold on to your glassware tightly, so it doesn’t slip and break.
With the glass hand pipe, you will also want to run things underwater to push residue out.
Add the Solution
Next up in learning how to clean a glass pipe, dab rig, or bong is to create your cleaning solution. Fill your dab rig or bong up with the alcohol to around the same line as you usually fill it with water. Then, add in the salt, with a ratio of 2:1 (alcohol to salt).
The best way to clean a particularly dirty bong is to let the solution sit in the chamber for up to 30 minutes to loosen things up and soak.
How to Clean a Glass Pipe or Chillum
Because there is no chamber on hand pipes and chillums, you should use a plastic bag or something similar instead. Follow the steps above, fill the bag with alcohol and salt (2:1), then add the pipe. You can also let it sit for a while if things are very dirty.
PRO TIP: Adding distilled white vinegar to the mix can make the solution clean faster and remove tough stains.
Shake Vigorously But Carefully
Place cotton balls on the openings of the bong or dab rig to prevent the solution from splashing all over the place. Then, firmly grasp your glassware and begin shaking, so the solution starts hitting all the sides of the piece. The salt will scrape the residue off the sides and corners while the alcohol breaks things down and dissolves them away. Keep shaking until you feel like things are thoroughly clean.
Still have residue stuck in hard-to-reach areas? Scrubbing with Q-Tips or pipe cleaners is the best way to clean a bong with tough residue!
Rinse With Water
Once everything looks thoroughly cleaned, you should empty the dirtied solution and rinse your glassware out with fresh water under the faucet. If you start to rinse things out but notice that they aren’t entirely cleaned, repeat the steps above until you’re satisfied.
You should make sure you rinse the glass well, and that there is no smell of alcohol or vinegar (if you added some). Dry things off with a paper towel, and you’re all set to use your squeaky clean piece!
How to Quickly & Effectively Clean a Glass Pipe Without Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxide or White Vinegar Solutions
Not a fan of isopropyl alcohol? You can also use hydrogen peroxide and coarse salt in place of the alcohol.
Alternatively, you can clean all your glass pipes with distilled white vinegar and baking soda. Rinse or remove any loose residue from your pipe, then place it in a zip-top bag. Add enough vinegar to fully submerge your pipe, add about 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and seal the bag. Shake gently (not too much; baking soda creates a safe and bubbly chemical reaction) and let sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Rinse and let dry!
Boiling Water Method
The boiling water method is probably the fastest way to clean a pipe without alcohol. As with other methods, remove any loose particles first! Here’s how to clean a glass pipe with boiling water:
- Fill a pot with enough water to submerge your glass pipe and bring it to a boil. DO NOT boil your glassware or put it in the water while it’s still boiling. This can cause it to chip or crack, because glass is sensitive to harsh temperature changes. You can, however, soak in hot water for cleaning.
- Carefully lower your glass pipe into the water and let it soak for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Remove the pipe from the water, let it cool, and rinse it with warm water.
- Use cotton swabs to remove any remaining residue.
Why Should I Learn How to Clean a Glass Pipe or Dab Rig?
Cleaning your glassware is a crucial skill to being a regular cannabis smoker. As smoke filters through the water in a bong or dab rig a few times, you’re left with dirty water. When any water is left stagnant for too long, it will develop bacteria or even fungi. If you don’t clean out your small and large bongs, dab rigs, and other glassware you can end up inhaling all kinds of different bacteria that can be harmful to your health.
There is a film that can form over the top of old bong water called biofilm. Biofilm can contain several different bacteria or pathogens, including E. Coli and black mildew. Learning the best way to clean a bong or dab rig is key to preventing exposure to these harmful substances.
You must also learn how to clean a glass pipe, because they can also develop bacteria when left uncleaned for too long, and they are more likely to lose functionality when residue builds up.
The Bottom Line
You can quickly clean a glass pipe, dab rig, or bong with a few everyday household items. Old bong water or dab rig water is not only gross; it can be potentially harmful to your health if you inhale it. Keep things clean regularly, and you’ll avoid contact with bacteria and have safe cannabis sessions.